After receiving many, many requests for mentorship, ABTS® is offering a one-off group mentoring program, limited to five delegates.
Program Aim
The purpose of the program is to help small companies/individuals/self-employed, involved in importing and exporting (mainly freight forwarders and import-export agents), to:
- Gain an understanding of the most important fundamentals of your business
- Answer questions about your business or international trade procedure
- Analyse and solve current problems and issues
- Analyse where risks and vulnerabilities are in your current business plan
- Foresee and solve any future problems and/or issues in order to eliminate stressful, costly and time-consuming mistakes
- Learn how grow business over the medium term
- Learn what steps to take in order to strengthen your business
- Learn as a group from the problems and issues others face in the real-world and how to solve/handle these issues
Delegates will likely be set personal tasks each week as an action-plan, based on the needs of delegate’s business aims and goals.
Benefit from Alan’s thirty-five years practical knowledge in international trade, setup and sale of his own freight forwarding company and through cross-dialog with fellow delegates.
Qualifications Required
In order to qualify for the ABTS® Mentorship Program, students will be required to:
- Have a basic, practical knowledge of International Trade (Incoterms 2020, Import Export Procedure, Import Export Documentation)
- Have completed the ABTS® Export Documentation and Procedure course.
The program is NOT intended for new delegates without any prior knowledge of International Trade.
Program Delivery
Delivery: Online via Zoom
Duration: Saturday or Sunday, 5 Hours (including a 30 minute break), running for five consecutive weekends.
Note*: Weekend day and time to be finalised after the 5 delegates have been accepted into the program and their location/time zone known.
Maximum Number of Delegates: The ABTS® Mentorship Program will be limited to FIVE delegates.
Interview Process
Delegates expressing an interest in enrolling in the ABTS® Mentorship Program will be interviewed by the programs’ mentor, Alan Bracken to ensure they have a basic/good knowledge and understanding of international trade and a suitable business plan is in place.
The interview will be informal, over the phone and purely for Alan to ensure the program will be beneficial for the delegate.
Delegates will be offered a place only if the program will benefit them substantially.
Enrollment Fee: £2,000
Payment terms: Payment in full before the program begins via bank transfer.
For questions on the program please contact us by email: or phone: + 44 (0)208 123 5043.
Express Your Interest
If you are interested in being considered for the ABTS® Mentorship Program, please submit the form below and we will be in touch to have an informal interview over the phone.